Course Objectives
If you plan to build a career in Software Industry – one of today’s most visible professions – and if you have desire of knowledge, then the C,C++ credential should be your next career goal. It’s the credential for professionals who develop inovative projects in information technology.
Course Content
- OOPs Concept.
- What is oops?
- Classes and objects
- The three OOPs principle .
- Overloading and overloading of methods.
- Introduction to java.
- Why? Java
- Why java is important to internet.
- Java on Linux platform.
- History of java.
- Introduction to JVM
- Classes and Objects.
- Class fundamentals.
- Declaration of Objects.
- Access specifier.
- Nested and Inner classes.
- Abstract classes.
- Garbage collection.
- Packages and Interfaces.
- Defining a Packages.
- Understanding CLASSPATH.
- Importing Package.
- Interfaces.
- Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces.
- Exception Handling(EH).
- Fundamentals of EH.
- Types of Exception.
- Exception Handlers.
- Try and Catch.
- Throw, Throws and Finally.
- Assertion.
- String Handling.
- String Operations.
- Character Extraction.
- String Buffer Class.
- New in JAVA 6/7.
- Windows Programming.
- AWT.
- Swing.
- Event Handlers.
- Applet.
- I/O streams.
- File Handling.
- Binary Streams.
- Serialization.
- Data Encryption & Decryption.
- Networking.
- URL,Inet address.
- Socket And Server Socket
- Collection Framework
- The Collection Framework.
- The Collection Classes.
- The legacy classes.
- Date and Time handling.
- System Properties
- Usage of Property file.
- ResourceBundle.
- Fetching text from ResourceBundle.
- Remote Method Invocation.
- Distributed Application.
- RMI Architecture.
- Implementation.
- Call-Back Mechanism.
- Database Programming using JDBC
- JDBC Drivers.
- 4 ways of getting Database Connection.
- Metadata,ResultsetMetadata, DatabaseMetadata.
- Transaction.
- Introduction toJ2EE ARCHITECTURE
- J2EE Component.
- J2EE Containers
- Introduction to UML
- Use cases.
- Diagrams.
- Introduction to XML
- XML Parsers
- Java Servlets
- Intro to Web programming.
- Advantages.
- Session tracking.
- File uploading/Downloading.
- security
- Java Server Pages.
- JSP Architecture.
- JSP Elements.
- JSP objects.
- Exception handling in JSP.